The liposuction is also known as lipo. It is one of the types of fat removal procedures that are used in the plastic surgery. This procedure will be performed under general, regional, and local anesthesia. The instruments like cannula in negative pressure to suck out the fat from your body. In this article, you will know about the benefits, operation procedures, and care instruction of liposuction in Punjab.

What are the benefits of the liposuction cosmetic surgery?

The benefits of the liposuction in Punjab are given by,

  • It will help to enhance your shape and contour of your body. It also involves additionally helps to remove the lipomas of the body.
  • It will help to remove the fatty breast tissue from your body and it is one of the long-lasting techniques. The weight will be remaining constant before and after the liposuction surgery.
  • It will make your body shape and looks like a natural.
  • It also helps to treat excessive sweating in the areas of the armpits and in other areas like thighs.
  • The result does not appear immediately buy you will enhance your appearance in a day.
  • It will make you a healthier person as you are focus on the exercise and dieting.

What is the operation procedure for liposuction in Punjab?

The operation procedures for liposuction in Punjab are classified into two categories. They are given by,

Before operation:

  • You will need to undergo some of the health tests which will ensure that you are fit for surgery.
  • If you are taking any regular aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs can be stop at least two weeks before surgery.
  • Women are advised to stop taking of the contraceptive pills.
  • If you are anemia may need to take iron supplements.

After operation:

  • Anesthetic: If you are taking a general anesthetic you need to spend the night in the hospital. If you are taking a local anesthetic you are able to leave the hospital on the same day.
  • Support bandages: The supported bandages will be fitted for the targeted area in your body.
  • Antibiotics: It will be given to you immediately after the operation.
  • Painkillers: It will help you to relieve the pain and inflammation.
  • Stitches: You can follow the surgeon’s appointment to remove the stitches.
  • Bruising: The bruising maybe occur in the surgery area.
  • Numbness: There may be numbness that will occur where the fat was removed. This should be cured in 6 to 8 weeks.

Care instructions for the liposuction surgery:

  • Diet: If you are taking a local anesthetic you have to take your regular diet. Drink plenty of water, soft drinks, and fruit juices. You can avoid alcoholic beverages 48 hours before and after surgery.
  • Physical activity: You will undergo your physical activity after 2 to 4 days of surgery.
  • You can wear specially designed elastic compression garments for the liposuction surgery.
  • Wound care and bathing: You can keep the incisions clean. You can take the shower once or twice in a day.

Take antibiotics: You must take the antibiotics until the prescription is finished. You can take antibiotics with your food. More info to visit: http://officeloginz.com/